Our team of exterior drain tile technicians in Woodbury, MN, specializes in providing expert solutions for water management and protecting your property from water damage. With extensive experience and a commitment to quality workmanship, we ensure that your home or business remains safe and dry.

Our exterior drain tile technicians are skilled in designing and installing effective drainage systems that channel water away from your property's foundation, preventing damage from hydrostatic pressure and potential basement flooding. We utilize high-quality materials and industry-leading techniques to create long-lasting, efficient drainage solutions tailored to your property's unique needs.

Our team offers maintenance and repair services for existing exterior drain tile systems. By conducting regular inspections and addressing any issues promptly, we help you maintain the effectiveness of your drainage system and safeguard your property from water-related problems.

If you are ready to experience the customer service experience that the team at Rite-Way Waterproofing can offer your commercial or residential property, be sure to visit our helpful contact page and reach out to us today.


Drainage components, when incorporated, enhance the performance of the overall waterproofing system and reduce the amount of hydrostatic pressure and weight of watersaturated soil. Prefabricated drainage is engineered to create air space when applied over a membrane. Tremco’s TREMDrain® series of prefabricated drainage boards consists of a dimpled core which provides excellent water flow when under compaction. TREMDrain can be used for vertical and horizontal applications. TREMDrain products are offered with a variety of combinations of filter fabrics, drainage cores, an optional protective polymeric film and a TotalDrain System to replace perforated pipe/aggregate collection systems. Tremco’s TREMDrain series of drainage mats are compatible with TREMproof and Paraseal membranes.

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